In fact you might still push Vennard's The Federal Reserve Hoax:
"Since the Babylonian Captivity there has existed a determined, behind-the-
scenes under-the-table, atheistic, satanic, anti-Christian force--worshipers
of Mamon--whose undying purpose is world control through the control of
Money. July 1, 1776 (correct that to May 1st, Vennard can't get anything
right) the Serpent raised its head in the under-ground secret society known
as the Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt. There is considerable
documentary evidence to prove all revolutions, wars, depressions, strikes
and chaos stem from this source." Etc., etc., you know the stuff.
      The general location of our US HQ, incidentally, has been nearly
exposed; and so we will be moving for the first time this century (what a
drag!). If you want, you can reveal that it is located deep in the
labyrinth of sewers beneath Dealy Plaza in Dallas, and is presided over by
The Dealy Lama. Inclosed are some plans for several new potential
locations. Please review and add any comments you feel pertinent,
especially regarding the Eristic propensity of the Pentagon site.
      Oh, and we have some good news for you, Brother Mal! You know that
Zambian cybernetics genius who joined us? Well, he has secretly co-
ordinated the FBI computers with the Zurich System and our theoriticians are
in ecstasy over the new information coming out. Look, if you people out
there can keep from blowing yourselves up for only two more generations,
then we will finally have it. After 20,000 years, Kull's dream will be
realized! We can hardly believe it. But the outcome is certain, given the
time. Our grandchildren, Mal! If civilization makes it through this
crises, our grandchildren will live in a world of authentic freedom and
authentic harmony and authentic satisfaction. I hope I'm alive to see it,
Mal, success is in our grasp. Twenty thousand years....!
      Ah, I get spaced just thinking about it. Good luck on the
Principia. Ewige Blumenkraft! HAIL ERIS.
        MAD MALIK
PS: PRIVATE - Not for publication in The Principia.
We are returning to the two Zwack Cyphers for classified communications.